Groups at The Center

The Women’s Center offers a number of groups to help individuals connect and grow. Joining a group is a great option if you are seeking connection, looking for others who share similar experiences, or would like to find new coping skills and strategies. Groups offer a space to share and to receive a broader range of perspectives. Additonally, groups can be a great place to work on relationship and social skills as well. Please see below for full descriptions of all currently available groups.

If you are experiencing a medical or psychological emergency, please go to your nearest emergency room or call 9-1-1. 

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Location & Rates

Groups are available in both Vienna, VA and DC. Please note the location of the specific group.

Initial Therapy Group Consultation


Therapy Group Participation Fee

$35/per session

To learn more, click the Request More Information button.

Reduced fee and sliding fee scale options available, based on financial need.

Have a suggestion for a group? Let us know about it by contacting

Group Descriptions

Woman Talk: Living Assertively with Chosen Boundaries


A transgenerational group of women will create a supportive environment to address challenges to establishing and maintaining boundaries that permit assertive living that honors their many roles. The group leader facilitates orientation; psychoeducation; ventilation of external stressors; exploration of identity and life purpose issues; stress management skills acquisition; and restructuring of thinking about challenging circumstances, core beliefs, anxieties, and their triggers. Particular attention is paid to setting and maintaining boundaries using a text with the related manual. Group members rehearse skills in boundary setting and other assertive talk.  Group members share their experiences, self-monitor, self-regulate, and debrief each other’s change efforts. Prerequisite: ability to attend weekly.  While it is a brown bag meeting, members are expected to honor the work by attending and engaging in the therapeutic discourse.

Group Leader: Dorothy Pennant

Meeting Day/Time: Wednesdays from 11 AM to 12:30 PM

Contact: (with your name, phone number, email address, and whether it’s ok to leave a voicemail) to learn about joining.

Break the Cycle: Support Group for Victims of Domestic Violence

Throughout its 45 years, The Center has helped thousands of victims of domestic violence reclaim their lives through the Break the Cycle of Domestic Violence Program (Break the Cycle). This program provides critical components in the continuum of care for victims that help them find physical safety, economic stability, and improved mental health. Specific services include: crisis intervention; court accompaniment; trauma-informed, evidence-based mental health counseling; information about accessing and navigating the criminal, civil, housing, legal, medical, mental health and other service systems; safety planning; referrals to community resources; education about the dynamics of domestic violence and its cyclical nature; long-term care management; financial education and counseling; career mentoring and individual coaching; and, social-connection support groups that foster empowerment and development of trusted connections. In addition, the program provides education to victims and the community and support to the clinicians working with victims of domestic violence through training, peer and supervisory support.

This program is fully funded by a grant and is free to participants.

Make an Appointment

We’re dedicated to addressing the diverse needs of women, men, couples, and families through counseling, career, mediation, financial, and domestic violence and sexual assault services.

Become a Volunteer

Looking for a meaningful way to give back to your community? We welcome your gifts and talents to help us meet our mission. Find out about several different volunteer opportunities that we offer.

Ways to Give Back

We are able to provide accessible mental healthcare through the generous support of individuals, corporations, and foundations. Discover various ways to give back to the community.