Managing your money wisely will improve not only your financial situation; it will improve your life with smart choices. Become Empowered.
What is a budget and what are the benefits to using one?
What are all these deductions on my paycheck and how do they affect me?
What exactly is Financial Safety and do I need it?
This presentation will answer these questions and more. Gain confidence in making the right decisions by learning and developing financial skills.
As a Financial Advisor, Michael Reyes believes in being an advocate for his clients and their families.
He serves as a trusted advisor to many people in different stages/walks of life and has accumulated the experiences necessary to collaborate with his clients.
With a focus on process and not product, Michael has adopted a client-centered approach to help him better understand what is truly important to client’s lives.
Presented by Michael Reyes, Bank of America licensed financial advisor, chartered retirement planning counselor